Latest micro-posts
Every couple of years, I’m reminded of the usefulness of the GNU Time project’s time command. It’s a distinct program, unlike the shell’s built-in time function. It measures a process’ run-time and also peak memory usage, interrupts, and more. Posted on Vivaldi Social on
Every couple of years, I’m reminded of the usefulness of the GNU Time project’s time command. It’s a distinct program, unlike the shell’s built-in time function. It measures a process’ run-time and also peak memory usage, interrupts, and more. Posted on Bluesky on
The one #MacOS-only software that I still miss after over a decade on #Linux is #OmniOutliner. It’s such a simple little #outlining tool that works great with my brain. I have yet to find anything that even comes close to it. Posted on Vivaldi Social on
The one #MacOS-only software that I still miss after over a decade on #Linux is #OmniOutliner. It’s such a simple little #outlining tool that works great with my brain. I have yet to find anything that even comes close to it. Posted on Bluesky on
One of Norway’s leading bank and insurance companies is called “Storebrand”. This sounds like a proper noun when pronounced in Norwegian, but it, of course, becomes “store brand” in English. Now I can’t stop laughing thing of them as the inferior store brand option of the banking sector. 🤣 Posted on Vivaldi Social on
One of Norway’s leading bank and insurance companies is called “Storebrand”. This sounds like a proper noun when pronounced in Norwegian, but it, of course, becomes “store brand” in English. Now I can’t stop laughing thing of them as the inferior store brand option of the banking sector. 🤣 Posted on Bluesky on